Mission Trip Opportunities

Home Mission Trip Opportunities

“Come and see”.

I invite you to join us as we “GO!”

You do not need to worry about your ability, God is only looking for your availability.

Every year we reach 1,500 – 2,000 children and youth in Romania and, for most of them, it’s the first time they hear a clear presentation of the Gospel.
This is 2024 camp schedule:

Week 1 – June 24-28. Ages 6-13. Evangelism.
Week 2 – July 01-05. Ages 6-13. Evangelism.
Week 3 – July 08-12. Ages 6-13. Evangelism.
Week 4 – July 15-19. Ages 14-20. Evangelism.
Week 5 – July 22-26. Ages 14-20. Evangelism.
Week 6 – July 29 iulie-August 02. Ages 14-25+ Spiritual Growth.
Week 7 – August 05-09. Ages 14-25+ Spiritual Growth.
Week 8 – August 12-16. Special week with Roma children.

Find out more about our work in Romania by visiting our Romanian website (automatic Google translation available): sperantapentruviitor.com or by visiting our Facebook page: Speranță pentru Viitor.

If you would like to come over and help us, contact Ovi at ovi.cornea@h4fministries.com.

Find out more about our work in Africa on our website, www.mission2malawi.com and see how you can make an impact here: mission2malawi.com/mission-trips/.

You can volunteer and change lives by getting involved in any of the following:

Evangelistic Camps in unreached communities.
Bible clubs for children.
Primary School, grades 1-8.
Bible School.
Orphanage and Feeding Centres.
Church planting.
Pastors training.
and more.